Our world extends beyond this country's borders. The United States of America has enjoyed a rich history of success. We lead the world in many categories although economic rivals gain ground every day.
All around the world, deep into the farthest reaches, everyone loves America...or hates it.
In reality, I suspect the ones who hate us really just yearn to be like us: they wear American clothes, talk on cell phones and drink Coke. But true Americanism is becoming rare.
Refer, I think, to the preamble to the constitition for the essense of Americanism:
" We the people of the United States,
in order to form a more perfect union,
establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare,
and secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this constitution for
The United States of America."
You see, it really is and has always been...by the people. By the people and for the people; that's who the politicians work for, that's who the police work for, and that's what each one of us works for. It's the common good, and prosperity for our progeny.
The Civil Compliance Network was founded to confront apathy to this Americanism. The values once described as "fundamental and almost required" to be an American have become an endangered species, and it's the old timers that remember it best. For those of us with parents from "the greatest generation" as Tom Brokaw tells it, we know what it is to hold these principles up to the mirror every day: our parents did it. They yelled at us to shape up and shunned the oncoming future of America with it's MTV and WalMarts.
Pretty soon, being American didn't mean the same thing anymore. Too many people were tuning out to it, Veteran's Day parades had waning attendance.
Well this is a warning to those who still can't see the fabric of the US: Everyone should be expected of a minimum of behavior standards.
At the very least, you'll keep your pants up around your waist.
At the very least, you will honor your parents and love your neighbors.
We look out for each other, but who want's a criminal looking out for them?
Nobody, not even criminals.
So don't be a thug, because Civ Comp is ready to check that.
When you've had it with lowering standards...
extremists of any stripe...
and the just-plain-wrong attitude that leads to political correctness.
Become a CivComp Steward.
Get active in your community, give something back if you can.
Lead by example: what was important before still is.
We are all Americans, but the best are called