Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snooping isn't only an American pastime

I'm reading from a DRUDGE linked article at the Guardian, a UK news organization, an article about Britain's equal to the US' NSA, called GCHQ. Britain's spooks are as busy rounding up as much bulk information as the NSA, with the same innocent public individuals being spied on in the governments' attempts to track criminals, terrorists, or anything they might wish.

This time it's Yahoo's users who are getting surveilled, through their own webcams!

 I've had a piece of black tape on my laptops' camera lens for years now. Sad but true. Watch out for the tracking software in your smartphones too, don't be naïve enough to believe you're all alone. Ever.

It's almost election day in Houston, Tx and several races are getting high profile media coverage. These races and battles have garnered the attention of national conservative talk radio because they are hotly contested on the Republican side. These primary elections are so we can choose who'll run against an incumbent for a legislature seat that is up for grabs. As you all should know, it's very difficult to defeat an incumbent. In the modern political cycle, re-election strategy begins the day after one is elected.

We have a decision to make here in the Republican party: are we going to continue to go along with the "establishment" lawmakers, read the old school, or are we going to take up political 'arms' with the TEA party and enact sweeping changes by electing constitutional-conservatives to these legislatures.

The whole country should take notice of Texas, we are burning a path towards the goal of smaller, less intrusive, less regulating, less taxing federal government.
