"Alt" Facts are those assertions made in partisan fashion that support the oppositions position. It's simple. As is the case with the top level state department officials being "fired". If you read about it in the UK press, the officials quit. If you read state departments own press release, these officials' letters of resignation were accepted. What you'd find if you actually read the entire independentUK.com article, because it was buried in the second-to-last and last paragraphs, is that previous administrations officials ALL submit their resignations for the consideration of the incoming administration. The headline: "...entire senior management team quits...". Alt facts for the alt reader.
So do you have an "alt" point of view? That depends on which side of any issue you might pick. Let's say...Standing Rock.
Actual legal conditions, land, burial and ownership records and previous legal proceedings have no part of the discussion if you are on the left. These are "inconvenient' facts. The "alt" facts are that the American process has bulldozed the Native people and there is no moral grounds for standing against their best interests and the interests of their coming generations.
Global Warming. It has changed monikers but it is still essentially an unprovable theory which is embraced by the developed world. Unfortunately for the underdeveloped world, it may be a death sentence as blight conditions persist and medical innovations never seem to make it far into the bush.
Finally the Black Lives Matter movement. It was started based upon a lie. Now think about that. Though the very same dispicable act of police aggression had claimed the lives of a disproportionate number of young black men previously, the large riots and marches and eventually police assasinations began after a story on social media lied about the fact that Michael Brown was unarmed and complying with the officer's orders, "Hands up, don't shoot". Well he didn't have his hands up, and he was spoiling for a confrontation. This didn't matter to the movement.
This is an example of living in an "alt" reality. I frankly admit plenty of "alt" facts brought forth by the conservative right. But far worse is the record of the Progressive movement, the militant women's movement, the LGBT movement, Lulac, La Raza, Black Lives Matter, the Black Panthers, the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood and racial gangs all across the fruited plain.
The Trump Treatment
Today, British Prime Minister May spoke of great times again ahead for the United States and a renewed close alliance going forward. I'm sure this horrified the opposition there in the UK, but her conservative party won, and a vote to leave the European Union was passed and Britain exited similarly shocking the establishment just as Trump's election did.
I heard today that the DOW is over 20,000, I remember when it went over 10,000 during Clinton's term. The stock market is climbing and Trump's promise was to get the economy rolling again. It looks like he had been hard at work shoring up business alliances and getting the captains of industry onboard. If the first 100 days show anything, it was that Donald J. Trump came out of the gate at full speed.
Hopefully he'll reign in the Banking sector and the Junk bond traders. These manipulators have been milking the system for a long, long time.
We have been warned for years from a previously fringe-held minority that the bankers are the cause of our fragile economy. Those voices were elevated in recent years into the national discussion, but are still considered the fringe. There is another widespread movement afoot, which is to withdraw your savings from FDIC banks and deposit into Credit Unions and investing it into prescious metals. This means the volume of the banking sector will be shrinking. You can bet plenty of "alt" facts and dire warnings will come in the near future regarding the banks.
Finally a reminder:
Civil Compliance Network was established to give the activist in all of us a running platform. Jump onboard! Leave a comment as to what you are dong in your area and your family and friends to make this place a little better. For the good of all, CivCompNet says flatly, oh yea, your ass is gonna mind!