Friday, January 06, 2017

Welcome to the Trump Era

One thing is for sure, it won't be dull and boring


The 2016 Elections, both the primary and the general were marred by calls of everything from voter fraud to voter suppression and more.

Calls of voter fraud, ironically were uncovered post-election by the Green Party Candidate Jill Stein; fraud perpetrated against Republican voters.

Calls of voter suppression, which are nothing new; it's the standard Democrat response to requiring identification to vote; perpetrated against Democratic voters.

Russian hacking alleged by the US Intelligence community but denied by Vladimir Putin and (Wikileaks founder), Julian Assange. Assange has suggested, darkly, that the "leaker" of the DNC emails was DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered on a dark DC street shortly before the "leaked" emails came to light.

Allegedly leaked DNC emails showing collusion to get rid of Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primary elections and guarantee Hillary Clinton's nomination. The Emails hacked or leaked were of DNC and Clinton campaign staffer John Podesta who's password was, and I'm not kidding, "password",

Death threats, calls for resignation, calls of collusion, calls of improper voting, calls of ineligible votes cast...all for the electorals!  All in the continuing desperate attempt to unseat Donald J. Trump from his election victory and ascension to the Presidency.

Trump's campaign rallies during the primary and general elections were seeded with paid protesters, who infiltrated and caused trouble inside the meeting arenas, and incited violence outside the arenas on Trump supporters who were leaving after the rally. This happened several times during the year, and it was later discovered via the leaked/hacked emails that the DNC had actively participated in the recruitment, the direction and delivery of these violent agitators at Trump's rallies.


The media and celebrity opposition to the Trump election is over the top hyperbole and fear mongering. The wide belief in the liberal circles is they were caught off guard: since a Trump victory was a laughable long-shot, it was a "given" that Hillary would sweep the elections. They were caught sleeping alright, turns out many didn't bother to vote. Our actual voter turnout was very poor: well below half the population.

Nothing but negative pieces about Trump published across the country by online publications, nothing but rosy, feel good pieces written about Hillary. The Media, and the Hillary campaign, which was "I'm for Her", couldn't understand the traction Trump was getting and the attendence numbers at his campaign stops. His message was resonating with the "...deplorables" as Hillary condemned them, and it turned into a sweeping victory November 8.

The media response? Now they are publishing every negative article again, no difference, but also is featuring any, no matter how small, opposition group to Trump and their excited anticipation to the overturning of the election results, first by the above conspiracy theories and the latest, ineligibility of some electors and a possible challenge to the results mounted by a Democrat in Congress today, the last possible day such a challenge may be presented.


Trumps message is what resonated with the voters. Practically no one is as rich and powerful, and by contrast, he doesn't embody the typical American middle class voter, yet what he claimed was important to him was embraced fiercely by these blue collar citizens;  Taking better care of Veterans, closing the border, making America competitive again in the world market, and reexamining our trade agreements for a lopsided benefit/liability ratio.

He also claimed he would "drain the swamp" in Washington D.C. Frequently the Donald will make statements like this and not offer explanations. Time and time again, he is defending statements which he'll say were a joke, or taken out of context or offer some other poorly worded statement. Let's drain the swamp of lobbyists, special interest groups and other outside interests in play with the Congress. There is a bunch of leeching going on in DC, it's a cesspool of snakes and jackals feeding off the system. These special interests have the money to throw around to "grease the wheels" of Congress to get agendas pushed through whether that be new laws, or blocking of laws.

Trump said he'll discontinue the practice of "sanctuary cities" by denying funds to those cities who's leadership refuse to stop providing services to illegal/undocumented workers. Cities like Los Angeles and San Fransisco are digging in their heels, it's going to be a protracted legal battle.

Trump also promised to repeal several laws and executive orders the outgoing President had gotten in place, one first and foremost; Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Warnings of it's rising cost and limited services are becoming reality now and the Republican led Congress under Paul Ryan are examining alternatives. So far it's being called Obamacare 2.0

Trump has a penchant for sending tweets out about anything he pleases. And we're pretty sure he doesn't run them past his handling team. Tweets which gloat about his victory and other personal narcissistic aspects as well as strong language towards US and foreign businesses and manufacturers causing calamity in the real world. The media latches onto these ill-concieved tweets and you can bet they're keeping score.


I'm amazed with the level of outcry from the opposition in this election. Not only did they never, ever think Trump could truly win, when he did it kicked off a period of alternating sever depression and extreme apprehension. So much so that the liberals on my Facebook feed and on every left-leaning news article's comment section seem genuinely unhinged, ready to believe a rash of new "fake news" blitzing our media and calling for racial reinforcing in the face of this racial "destruction" as Trump's election has been characterized.

Trump switched parties to compete in this election. His party was always Democrat and he had been a Clinton supporter in the past. Comments he made in the past about Republican voters didn't seem to impact him negatively though, comments about how stupid they must be to vote for the Republican candidates that were being trotted out.

And the Lefty and Liberal institutions have lost their minds.

 We may see another swing just starting out with this divisive election result:
The swing in voter results to this point are relatively easy to understand:
8 years of Clinton gave us a swing over to George W. Bush.
8 years of his policies and we saw a wild swing further left to Barack Obama.
8 years later another even more extreme swing and we have Donald J. Trump.

Who knows, we may be at the onset of another wild swing by the citizens of this country. A visceral, knee-jerk quick-fix results-now demand by voting in a far-left candidate to make Clinton and Obama look like Townhall editors!

-from the edge...katykarter

Photos from top: President Elect Donald J. Trump, Seth Rich and Julian Assange, murdered DNC staffer and founder of Wikileaks, Hillary Clinton, DIA Director Michael Flynn, CIA Director John Brennan (note; both intelligence chiefs agreed a state sponsored Russian hacker was responsible for the DNC email hacking scandal. Presidential nominees both. JS)

1 comment:

Katykarter said...

An eventful year. 2016 goodbye and good riddance!