Thursday, March 25, 2021

Border Crisis


March 20, 2021



Border Crisis


Covid Outbreak at ICE Facility on Border

Texas governor Greg Abbott in an on-air interview on Fox news described the conditions at several migrant holding facilities in Texas as a disaster. Texas currently has 3 holding facilities, one in Dallas housing teenage migrants, (temporarily, 21 days then they will be moved to other states’ facilities), Corrizo Springs and in Midland. Running water at the Midland facility, which is drawn from a well, has yet to be approved for consumption, as federal authorities continue testing the purity of the water. Along with the water problems, more than 10% of the detainees have tested positive for Coronavirus in two locations, Midland and Corrizo Springs. While Speaker Pelosi asserts the Administration is getting the border situation under control, Gov. Abbott points out the Federal agencies did not adequately plan for this influx of border crossings. The ICE and Law enforcement agents are overwhelmed and face daily danger of contracting the virus and taking it home and spreading it through their families. 




Biden tells migrants: “Stay Home”

On Joe Biden’s first day in office, he began to fundamentally dismantle the efforts of the Trump Administration-  and this is not exaggeration or fudging the facts slightly. Literally the first thing he did was to rescind several key programs that Donald Trump had started. Through executive order, Joe B killed the Iran Deal in which we pressured Iran into shelving or delaying their drive towards a working nuclear weapon. Also on the chopping block, the Paris Climate kerfuffle which Trump excused us from,  Joe B reversed and plans to reincorporate those climate change measures set to unfairly burden our economy. Finally, Joe B has virtually opened the door at the border again, reversing several policies shrewdly put in place by Trump’s team including halting further wall construction. Although a Texas judge ruled the order unconstitutional, Biden ordered no deportations for 100 days.

Catch and Release

One of the tools Biden has thrown away is the “Stay in Mexico” policy which Trump got Mexico to support. That when a migrant comes to the southern border of the United States, and upon application of entry, the migrant is to stay in Mexico while his court date approaches. In our country, legal immigration is allowed and a certain number of migrant workers and other immigrants (such as students), are accepted. However the proper channels must be navigated, as in the courts and the requirements to legally enter must be met. Typically, when an undocumented worker or ‘illegal’ enters our country, they are arraigned in ICE court, then released into the US to await their ICE hearing. Overwhelmingly, most do not show up for this hearing on the date they’re ordered to return, becoming another of the tens-of-millions of undocumented immigrants who will not ever proceed lawfully to live here in the US. There will be no attempt to normalize their stay here, they will live in the shadows. They will typically not try to assimilate into this country at all, preferring to live and operate in the ethnic enclaves that exist here in every city.

Dreamer Act will cost $35B

Obama’s Dreamer act or DACA would legalize the presence of millions of young people who are here outside of the law. Young children brought here by parents would be legalized by a stroke of the pen, bypassing the normal requirements of obtaining legal status. In stark ignorance of the reality of accepting these millions of Immigration shortcutters, Joe B and the Leftist mob think it’s racist to require people of color, which most of these illegals are, to actually produce valid ID for such things as voting, driving and health care. They ignore the previous waiting list of people who’ve gone through the LEGAL channels and are waiting their turn to enter this country legally and start their new life on the right foot. Otherwise, they are simply substituting one oppressed life for another bringing this new land closer and closer to the old land they left behind.


Pelosi: Border is under control

When JoeB took office earlier this year, a push began through Central America up through Mexico to again form a large caravan of migrants who walk to the United States in hopes of getting in. They have been organized and at times transported by the agents of chaos funded in no small part by the global financier George Soros, which seeks to upend our Democratic society and turn it into a cog in the One-World Government-controlled states of Socialism. These latest gate-crashers were fed, watered and clothed in t-shirts that read, “Hey Joe, Let Us In!”.

We are now under a massive assault on the southern border, with videos of long lines of migrants patiently waiting for a boat to pick them up on the southern side of the Rio Grande and taken them over to the US side. Hundreds of people in lines that stretch out of sight. In plain view from our side, these migrant lines are speckling our southern border theatre.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has deployed the State Troopers to the border to create a temporary wall in the areas the actual wall hasn’t been finished, in order to stem the flow of these ‘mujados’ who simply walk around the incomplete wall.


Border Violence and Brain Dead Politicians

Our world is unraveling at blinding speed lately, with the leftist mob gaining momentum through the cultural shaming going on and the flat-out “We will cancel you” if you disagree culture. This is why we see politician criminals proclaim the “Border is Secure” when it is obviously under siege, or when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who is visiting the border today (although no press will accompany him), says the threat of Jihad is smaller than the violent threat of domestic terrorism.

As with all things from the Left, truth is inconsequential if it doesn’t fit the narrative. 




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