Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"U" Visa gives Sanctuary to Victims of Violence

The Congress of the United States occasionally does something...er...right. Well, they finally got it sorta-right!

In 2000, Congress approved the U Visa and though it took over seven years to be properly written and implemented, U Visa helps victims of violent crimes who are in the country illegally but will help to bring to justice criminals who have acted with immunity.

Once, these victims had no one to go to, as being deported by the authorities you're reporting to was worse then the crime, mostly domestic abuse cases, you had just endured. Now victims can remain in the country legally for four years if the DA thinks they can be useful in prosecuting the criminal and, after three years, the victim can apply for permanant citizenship.

It's a far cry from "bringing illegals out of the shadows" or whatever that means, as there are still a plethora of other crimes an illegal will shrug and accept before seeking local authorities after being victimized.


Also, an article in the June 22 Newsbusters says that crime is in actuality rising in Arizona and other border states in keeping with the rise in illegal immigration in recent years. Liberal organizations would say Arizona's new push to enforce our current law isn't necessary for this reason. Look a little deeper...

