Thursday, March 25, 2021

Election Fraud


March 20, 2021



Election Fraud


It is hard for me to fathom the explanation we will need to give to shed light on the events of November 6, 2020, election day. When, in the future, our children’s children ask what happened, we may look back on this time with a great deal of confusion. What really did happen?

An election was conducted by the US Election Commission, but the voting machines used in some states were hacked by foreign entities and votes were changed from Trump to Biden. Several things were exposed once this took place, such as the safeguards we had in place to prevent these voting scams, but they didn’t have the teeth or were not executed fully. What most would agree happened was the Left didn’t cede the election when Biden was behind on Tuesday night. In accounts from all over the country, Democratic supporters held sway in their voting/ballot counting areas, and against the rules and against fairness in this country they ‘fixed’ the outcome to more closely show Biden in the lead. This was done by a myriad of methods from counting votes twice, to counting fake or doctored ballots (some ballot stacks were not filled out properly, and the chads showing a vote for Democrat presidential candidate were fraudulently punched). In all, there were outwardly obvious signs of cheating, but there was also highly secretive, globally initiated electronic hacking of voting machines which by the way was warned against prior to 2020, a fact Texas knows is true because our Attorney General banned these machines from being used in our State. As if on cue, the machines that were subject to online hacking returned a majority of Biden votes, and machines not hackable, as in Texas recorded the majority of votes as being for Trump.

Worse, for the sake of law and order, our redress of grievance was ignored and dismissed. Our side was libeled as nationalistic or worse, racist. It really is the only weapon the Left has, and for the “racism” charge to have power, the Left’s mob mentality to cancel or intimidate those who protest these tactics is key. What is well known to the Left, which by the way is ultimately the communist influence in the world today, and what is known to everyone on Earth is there are millions of dumb, uneducated, ignorant and arrogant Americans. The Left holds power in these liberal halls, and takes advantage of this willful ignorance.

 As Soviet Premier Kruschev famously posited in 1950, Communism will come to America like a thief in the night.


HR 1, The Corrupt Politician Bill

As the number says, the new Majority in Congress has put forth their first bill of the session, gaveled by Nancy Pelosi, the poster child for nepotism, corruption and influence peddling, to change election laws in this country and not for the better. As any conservative knows, whatever the government touches it ruins. That is why our founders wanted, as conservatives also want: Limited Government. We cannot hope to have a more free and fair election ever again if the control of the ballots, the machines and the districting are taken out of our hands and mandated by a distant government who has no stake in our future as Texans. The bill must clear the Senate next, and if all votes fall on partisan lines, the ensuing tie may be broken by the President of the Senate, the sitting Vice President of The United States, Kamala Harris. Senators must dig deep and find a way to convince just one Democratic Senator to oppose this bill. With the massive influence the Cancel Culture has, that is a long shot at best to see a Democrat Senator go against his/her party and face that backlash. It means, and they all know it: The end of their elected political career.

Media Doesn’t Report Fairly

On January 6, 2021, the day the Electoral College reports to Congress with all the votes, a protest march was organized in Washington D.C. After Then-President Trump spoke to the crowd, protesters took to the Capital grounds and flooded the Capital building, gaining entrance to unauthorized area and forcing lawmakers to retreat to safe rooms and wait for the building to again be returned to the control of the Capital Police. Some in the crowd which found their way into the two chambers, the very seat of our Democracy, felt the need to loot and destroy. Some, most actually, just walked through the halls, the offices and walked out again satisfied that their message of Total Dissatisfaction with the recent election and vote counting and critically the  mechanical measures not being used to contest the highly questionable methods the Democrats used to win (to wit SCOTUS).

The “media” used language such as “armed insurrection” and “coup attempt” but it was a mostly peaceful protest. Laughably, while fiery, violent confrontations went an all summer without being labeled as such, this protest was called violent though nothing was burned and one person was shot, and by the way, the victim who was an active duty Air Force member has never been honored or even talked about much less the shooter who was, by my estimation not being threatened at the time making his actions criminal.

Recently, transcripts of President Trump’s phone call to Georgia legislators to tighten up their election process has come out, and although allegations he threatened the Georgia Attorney General were strewn through every mode of media out there, he did, as the transcripts show,  no such thing. Consequentially, or inspite of this, the media never recanted these baseless accusations.

As the incomparable Winston Churchill stated, A lie can get halfway around the world before the Truth can get it’s pants on.

Iowa Election Results Challenged

Democrat legislators in the state of Iowa are attempting to overturn a Senatorial election which was won by the Republican candidate. It will be interesting to hear the facts of this case come out, and whether the DemocRATS have something else up their sleeves. 



1 comment:

Griff said...

Good stuff kk! Thanks for keeping us informed!