Friday, March 31, 2017

Is it the right time for a Convention of States?

If we ever wish to get congressional term limits we'll have to do it ourselves under Article V

When the founders and framers of our constitution pondered this problem, they wanted to make sure we, the people, would have a way to go around congress if a clear majority of the people demonstrated that is what they wanted. The mechanism is called "Convention of States" and it is our tool to propose amendments to the Constitution or to add or change articles.

Under Article I, Congress has the authority to act on behalf of the people as it sees fit, to consider laws, proposals and funding for those ideas. However, on matters that Congress will not and would not act, individual States may petition Congress to call a Convention of States under Article V. Once 34 requests have been made to call a convention of States for the purpose of considering the same topic, the Convention of States is triggered and Congress must "Call" the Convention. At that time, the States will select and send delegates to attend the Convention. Once Congress "calls" the convention it has no part of the convention, the application, the selection of delegates, the topics to be discussed or the ratification process. All of that is left up to the States.

As it should be. Thank you George Mason.

There is a petition circulating social media now. Sign it. It gives links to resources. Find the groups in your state who are actively seeking the convention.

The United States government is in fact, of the people and for the people. The American people who believe in self governance know that corruption will continue with special interests inside our federal government. They'll have no traction if the maximum time allowed in Congress is only two to four years.

1 comment:

Katykarter said...

Texas and Missouri have now adopted a call for the Convention. That makes the level 1/3 the necessary states. We are on our way! Remember: the Convention is called by each State and must stipulate the reason. I say Term Limits on Federal Lawmakers, along with revamped health care and pension programs!! Ah, but I have always been a dreamer...