Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Russian Hackers, Russian Spies and The American Information Buffet

In the 2016 Election cycle, claims of Russian interference and  Russian meddling were outdone by Democratic and leftists' claims post-election that Russia actively participated in U.S. election rigging.

According to an indictment in a San Fransisco Federal Court Wednesday,  Yahoo email subscribers' personal information was compromised by a Russian national at the alleged direction of the top Russian Intelligence agency, the FSB.

In a New York Times article dated March 15, Reporters Goldstien and Schwirtz introduce us to the main players in a hacking scheme to access personal information of U.S. citizens within the Yahoo Email servers, Russian nationals and Russian politicians as well as a Canadian-hacker scheme to gain access to Gmail servers.

According to court records, some of the accounts that were penetrated belonged to American government officials, “including cybersecurity, diplomatic, military and White House personnel,” according to the indictment.

Alexey Belan is a Russian citizen and a computer hacker and scam artist. Well known for identity theft and already wanted by US authorities, he could tweak Yahoo servers to send inquiries into erectile issues rerouted so he could get commissions from Russian pharmacies to fill orders. Apparently identity thieves work well for Intelligence services who would exploit them. 

Two weeks ago it was revealed the premier intelligence agency of the US Govt was caught using spyware and cyber-espionage tools to hack other intelligence services and leave a clever trail to lead suspicion to Russian hackers. In a Wikileaks data-dump it was revealed the CIA had learned how to imitate Russia's Federal Security Service or FSB. Their tools, programs, methods and modes were revealed to the public and opposing intelligence agencies. 

This is a disclosure of information so precious to clandestine operations and cyber-espionage contacts and tactics. This is a get even event: All intelligence agencies have just gotten even with the CIA. 

It's a whole new ballgame and everyone is starting from scratch,
including the US Intelligence services. 

Look for Donald Trump to keep the hammer down. 

Photo Explanations: (From top) Alexey Belan a Russian hacker and identity thief was recruited by the FSB ; Dmitry Alexandrovich, an FSB handler who recruited Alexey Belan. Igor Suschin, Senior FSB handler who sanctioned Alexandrovich to bring Belan along and up to speed as a Russian hacker aided by Russian Intelligence Services. Putin and the heads of his Intelligence apparatus. Trump's White House spokesman Sean Spicer. 


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